Thursday, 29 April 2021

Psalm 23. Part 3

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over."                                                       Psalm 23:5       NKJV

David pictures a table that had been amply laid out with all the delicacies one could eat and drink. It was a banquet. Now, ordinarily when David had been pursued by his enemies, he probably only had the time to grab something - anything - to eat as he hurried away into battle. Here, God wanted none of this haste. He wanted David to realise that, whatever he may go through; His Shepherd would always take care of him. There was no need to hurry or worry even if his enemies were sitting around the table with him. All they could do would be to watch as David refreshed himself on this succulent banquet.

As long as David allowed Him, God was in control of everything and His Holy Spirit was inside of David to the overflow. He was anointed with fresh oil, the anointing oil being the Holy Spirit Himself.

It is the same with us. Our Shepherd feeds and anoints us. He allows our enemies to see how blessed we are. They won't be able to harm us, all they can do is look and see how powerful we are with Jesus Christ living within our hearts. 

Realise just how blessed you are. Realise how much your Shepherd - Jesus Christ - loves you. Realise how much value He places in you. If you wander off and become lost, then He will come looking for you. If you have fallen down, then He will use His staff to pull you up again. If you are attacked, He will use His rod on your attackers. He is 100% behind you. He is 100% wanting you to succeed in all He gives you to do. He just cannot get enough of you. He loves you more than words could ever say.

Jerry Vine wrote some very encouraging words in his bible:

'The Lord doesn't just bless us; He blesses us in an overflowing and abundant way. He doesn't just do good things for us; good things overflow in our lives.'
                                                                             The Vines Expository Bible  NKJV

Why not spend some time studying and praying this Psalm through. It will enrich you. We'll look at the final part tomorrow.


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