Friday, 30 April 2021

Psalm 23 - Final Part

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever!"                                                Psalm 23:6    NKJV 

Our Shepherd provides us with goodness for our needs and mercy for our failures. Goodness for our steps and mercy for our stumbles.

We need His goodness; we need to know that He will take care of us and supply all of our needs - and He will. As long as we continue to walk with our Shepherd, He will take care of us and protect us. If we fall - and we will at times, He will be there waiting for us to call out to Him. Don't forget, our Shepherd became a sheep and then the Lamb of God. He identifies with us.

Ask yourself these two questions: 'Do I know the Psalm of the Shepherd or the Shepherd of the Psalm? Have I head knowledge or heart knowledge? There is a big difference. When we truly know Jesus as our Shepherd, this Psalm will take on a deeper meaning. It will become our personal confession of a sheep with the Shepherd. 

All over the world, people are drawn to this Psalm and that is good. But how better it would be if they all could see Jesus in it; if they could just see Jesus as their Shepherd. There are many hurting and confused people that we meet from time to time. Without Jesus, they are sheep without a shepherd. They wander about lost in a world that doesn't really care about them. You know by experience that you couldn't make it without your Shepherd. You know that. All the more why you need to introduce them to Him whenever you get the opportunity. They need help so that they can share the banquet too.

Just think, how many times have you blown it since you became a Christian? How many times have you wanted to throw the towel in and go it alone? Quite a few times I would think, especially the first one. We all fall into sin; we all mess up and become involved in things that we know are wrong but, we do them anyway. The wonderful thing is, when we do, as we approach our Shepherd and ask for forgiveness, He is there to oblige. 1 John 1:9. He is faithful and forgiving.

If you have walked away from Jesus, or want to rededicate your life, why not come to Jesus right now:

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sin today and ask You to forgive me. Please come and live in my heart and fill me with Your Holy Spirit - that fire of God. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour today. Thank you for accepting me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Why not share this post to someone you know who is struggling. It may be just what they need at this time.

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