Saturday, 1 May 2021

Don't lose heart

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living."                                                Psalm 27:13     NKJV 

The first five words of this verse are left out of most versions of the bible, but they remain in the NKJV and the Amplified, italicised, and were included to emphasise the actual meaning of David's words, and I am so glad that they were.

David was clearly going through a very difficult time. He describes the wicked coming against him camping around where he was, whether in his thoughts or in reality. However, David was a warrior and never gave up. He knew that His God would provide a way forward for him.

'I would have lost heart', describes the anguish that he was under. There were moments when he felt utter despair and had nowhere to hide or even the strength to break through this situation. Do you know that feeling?

It would have been easy to give up and fall into depression and anxiety. This is what can happen when we feel trapped, when there doesn't seem a way out of what we find ourselves in. But, that is not the way to react. Deep down in his heart, he knew God would turn up with a plan and, so do you! God always has a plan and calling out to Him in such times, activates this plan; and when He brings you through, you realise that He would never let you down. 

David was on the verge of losing heart. To lose heart is to begin to feel that one cannot do something - anything - to change the situation. This can lead to discouragement and can promote us to lose faith for a time as we sink to our lowest depth. But stand up Child of God.
You are a follower of Jesus. You receive the goodness of the Lord. He will never turn you away. He is your strength and your encourager.

Things may not be going as well as you would like at this time, but be encouraged. Things will get better. This is not the time to draw back. God doesn't like that. Hebrews 10:38-39. Go for a walk or wherever you may be able to pray on your own. Call on Jesus and he will be there in a milli-second. Praise Him, worship Him and allow Him to bless you. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

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