Sunday, 2 May 2021

Use the Sword of the Spirit

"If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. 4 But He answered and said, 'It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."                                    Matthew 4:3-4    NKJV 

Note the lack of respect in Satan's words as he addressed Jesus 'If you are the Son of God.' It was full of intimidation and sent to cause a defensive response from Jesus. However, Jesus refused to fall to that level, He had nothing to prove; and neither should we have. People we meet, may try and intimidate us and show us lack of respect, because of our faith. However, to fall to their level means that we're on a hiding to nothing. There are certain people, who are controlled by Satan, who will try to humiliate us and make us look pretty stupid. Don't let them.

When we're switched on to the Holy Spirit (and this only happens by living and walking daily with Jesus), we will be given the words to speak. Words that are power-packed; not rude or threatening but, full of life. The only way to live is to have total dependance on God. The Armour of God is the place to start. Every Christian should ensure that they are wearing this on a daily basis. The armour includes the belt of truth. Every Christian should walk in the truth of God, otherwise the battle is lost. Then there is the breastplate of righteousness which really is moral purity. The shield of faith comes next and is used to protect us from the flaming darts that Satan fires at us. The Helmet of salvation speaks for itself. It confirms our status with Jesus. The last two components are personal to us and consist of the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. By study and meditation in our bible, we learn to be able to stand up to the devil's tactics by quoting the relevant scriptures to him. Finally, there is prayer, which without, we are lost. We need to speak to God and we need to listen to Him as well.

The moment the evil one begins putting thoughts into our minds is the time we need to take action. He will tempt us; accuse us and try to slander us in every way he can. When he tries to trip us up, that is the time that we need to make a stand. Temptation can come our way and the longer we focus on it, the more appealing it becomes. Take a look at Genesis 3:6-7. If we tolerate sin for more than a moment, it will swallow us up. Jesus was tempted in all things but, never fell to it. Make sure that you don't either

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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