Friday, 11 June 2021

Earthquakes, open doors and broken chains. Part 2

"Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved?' 31 So they said, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."       
                                                                                                       Acts 16:29-40     NKJV 

The jailor was totally bewildered, wondering what on earth had happened. Think about it, wouldn't you be? It must have been mind-blowing for him. However, notice what he did first of all. After getting a light, because it would have been very dark in there, he ran to Paul and Silas, fell down on his knees - trembling, He then took them out of the prison and asked what he had to do to be saved.

People notice what we do and hear what we say. As Christians, we are the bible to non-believers. They rarely go to church and many don't own a bible, let alone read one. They can be affected by how we handle ourselves. Here the jailor knew who to run to. He had no doubt heard them singing and praising God; and he had noticed that they were not like the others, they didn't moan, groan or blaspheme. They were a witness for God, and he wanted this.

He couldn't do enough for them, he bathed their wounds, fed them and allowed them to rest in his house. Whilst they did this, they taught him about Jesus and he gave his life to Him, together with his family. He was a new man and was forever changed.

Notice how he took them back to the prison before daybreak and notice how Paul and Silas went with him, willingly. They honoured the jailor because not long after arriving there, the magistrates sent word to release them. If they hadn't have been there, He would have probably been executed. But, he still had his job, he was saved and so were his family.

Paul wanted to make a point here. They were trumped up charges and undeserved beatings on Roman Citizens. He wanted this to sink in and make them sweat. Which they did V38. They begged Paul and Silas to go quietly and, even though it is not mentioned, they probably apologised in a kind of way.

Paul and Silas were not doormats and neither are we. We are to stand up to injustice that we come up against. Certain religions do and noting is said. When Christians do, we are classed as 'do-gooders and troublemakers.' Enough, we serve the King of kings. Stand up for what you believe. We are not called to be walked all over. We serve a God who can cause earthquakes, open doors and break chains. You have an open door, walk through it in the name of Jesus and break someone's chains off them.

For your diary Monday 14th June, A Study of Joseph begins for a few days

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