Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Joseph Part 3

"We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son's tunic or not?     
                                                                                                        Genesis 37:32     NKJV

Where had Reuben been? We see in Genesis 37:21 that Reuben's plan had been to go back to the pit, pull Joseph out and take him back to his father. Now, he returns and Joseph has gone. He becomes distressed and in his panic, he displays his heartache. He tore his clothes and went to see his brothers, screaming, 'Where shall I go?' Basically, he was saying, 'What shall we do?'
Reuben had returned from possibly, feeding the flocks further up the country and he knew nothing about Joseph being sold into slavery. The scheming Judah and his brothers had come up with this money-making idea and by doing so, had shown their hypocrisy. Judah said, 'Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh'. Hatred, deceit, hypocrisy, disloyalty and lack of respect were all wrapped up in this action. 

Reuben was dragged into this plot as they killed a young goat and soaked Joseph's coat in its blood. It is so easy to become involved in things you know you shouldn't. We have to watch our every move because the devil is only too willing to win us over. Their next shameful act was to go back to their father with the coat. 'We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son's tunic or not?' They had no respect for their own father and were risking his health by lying to him and giving him this shocking bad news. Note how they said, 'your son's', and not 'our brother's'. They had no feeling for Jacob or Joseph, they were hard-hearted and selfish. It was one big cover up. They misled and lied to their father, who was totally in grief. They even had the audacity to try and comfort him. Genesis 37:35. There appeared no love or sincerity within them, at all.

Meanwhile, the Ishmaelites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer in Pharaoh's army. It's hard to realise it, but God was in total control. He had a plan and getting Joseph to Egypt was the start of it. 

At times in our lives, we struggle with things that happen to us. There is a lot of crookedness in our world; a lot of people who seem intent on hurting and double-crossing people for their own gain. Jealousy, envy, greed, hypocrisy, lies and deceit are only a part of what comes against us. Probably you are on the receiving end of this at the moment. You may feel that there doesn't seem a way out, but there is. God has a plan. He always has and His plan involves you. Stand firm, trusting in Him and watch how He will work things out for you. Joseph's life was going to change dramatically. Do you realise that yours may, as well?

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