Friday, 18 June 2021

Joseph Part 5

"Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance"  v6                
                                                                                                      Genesis 39:6-23     NKJV 

Scripture tells us that Joseph was a handsome young man; probably bronzed and full of muscles. This was a great attraction to Potiphar's wife, who probably didn't have a lot to do around the place. When she saw Joseph she wanted to sleep with him and told him openly. Now this gives me the impression this may not have been the first time she had done such a thing to a man working in the house. She was definitely full of confidence and out for a good time.

Joseph flatly refused the temptation. 'How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God,' he told her v9. At this time, his resistance was quite high and he would have recognised the trap that she was trying to bring him in to. She did this several times until one day, there was no one in the house except her and Joseph. 'Lie with me,' she said, catching him by his garment. The seduction was so strong that Joseph ran. Why was this? My guess is that, her charm was so irresistible that if he had stayed a moment longer, adultery would have taken place and he would have been hooked and drawn into her daily power.

We should always run from sin; in fact, if we can, don't even go near it. God gives us wisdom and at times we don't have to be rocket scientists to know that it would be unwise to go to a certain place or be with someone who could be a temptation. Sometimes, sin is subtle, and this is why Joseph ran. The problem is, she still had his garment in her hand and because she  had been spurned, she was on the attack. She falsely accused him of attempted rape.

She told Potiphar, who was furious that this had happened. Now, he was a captain in Pharaoh's guards. He had the power to have Joseph executed but, he didn't. In stead, he had him thrown into prison. This may well be because, he knew about his wife's flirtations; it may have happened before. Therefore, he had Joseph imprisoned.

The great thing about this, is that, no matter what happened, no one can change God's plan. He had brought Joseph favour at the house, He would now bring him favour and success in prison. This is why, we should always trust God with our lives. He knows best and when we are in His will, no matter what happens to us, God will always bring glory out of it. Joseph was thrown into prison, but the prison keeper was so impressed with him, that he placed him in charge of the whole place.

Isn't it great when God is at work? You see, whatever someone may try to do to you, or say about you, if you leave it with God, you will always be on the winning side.

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