Sunday, 4 July 2021

Don't let your dream die

"Many are they who say of me, 'There is no help for him in God." v2   
                                                                                                              Psalm 3:2-4    NKJV 

Joseph was a dreamer; his brothers were dream killers. However, as we know, they learned their lesson. Here David is facing the same type of thing - dream killers and faith robbers. But note what David says in v3, 'But You O LORD, are a shield for me, the glory and the One who lifts up my head.'

Wherever we go, we will come up against opposition, but like David we need to allow God's shield to be around us. The shield protects us from fiery arrows, and let's face it, this type of flack is not of God. It comes from the devil, otherwise we wouldn't need the shield.

'You won't get healed, that's ridiculous.' This is a regular statement today. Well, in a way, it may be true, because we're healed already by His stripes 1 Peter 2:24. Think how many times you have been so tired and confused as you listen to such comments as this. But remember, He is your glory and the One who lifts up your head.

He's always around us and all we need to do is call on Him and the result will be, 'I cried to the LORD with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill' v4. As we pray before we go to sleep, He sustains us v5. David said, 'I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around' v6. In other words he was saying, and we should say the same, 'I believe what I choose to believe. If you don't agree with me, then that is your choice. However, you will never stop me following God no matter what you say.'

Never let your dream die

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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