Wednesday, 21 July 2021

I will not fear

"Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. 4 In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear, What can flesh do to me?"   Psalm 56:3-4     NKJV

Fear is a big problem in our lives today. We lie awake at night, worrying about this and being fearful about that. If we allow it, it takes over our complete lives. Bob Gass used a brilliant acronym for the word fear, FALSE - EVIDENCE - APPEARING - REAL. I love this. Just stop and think for a moment; there is a lot of truth in this acronym. Most things we fear or worry about, never happen and we have wasted all of that time in turmoil. It is just false evidence but there is a part that tries to appear real, the one that causes the doubt.

Of course, some fear is real and we have to learn how to manage it better. If we can do something about it, then do it. If we can't, then there really is no use in worrying about it. This is not denial that I am talking about here, not at all. It is having the ability to say, 'I will not fear' and then giving it over to God; rather like yesterday's reading, 'Roll it over'.

At the time of writing this Psalm, David was consumed with fear. However, he decided to think it through properly instead of reacting in haste. He compared the size of the problem (in his case, the enemies all around), to the size of his trustworthy God. When we compare the size of what we are fearful about against how big Jesus is, then we are able to cope. "I will not fear'.

Doing this, changed David's focus and it will yours too. Adopting such a perspective transforms how we face negative circumstances. Those four words, I WILL NOT FEAR, pack a punch. It is a declaration. The devil may think he has penned you in but, with Jesus, he never can. If he killed you, you will still meet up with Jesus in Heaven. Our insurance contributions are paid up - fully.

We will get afraid, it is a certainty. However, when we do, we need to say out loud, 'In God I have put my trust, I will not fear.' I'm not saying that if you do this, everything will be hunky dory. It probably won't. But you will have someone very special at your side, fighting on your behalf. Jesus Christ. In fact, you will have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, all on your side.

Now that is good enough to say, 'I will not fear'.


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