Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Living Water

"For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light."     Psalm 36:9      NKJV 

Jesus offers us the only real life available - eternal life. But, there is more. This life is meant to give us the most enjoyable form of life ever known to man. It is a fountain of Life. God is the fountain of life, the well-spring of living water - life-giving water. In this, is included salvation, continuing mercy and light John 8:12.

The root meaning of the word fountain is 'Dig' which refers to a source of flowing water. Living water is a natural spring flowing with fresh water, whereas, a man-made cistern was used to capture rainwater which was not as fresh. Metaphorically speaking, the word fountain refers to life that flows with encouraging words - words that carry life, hence, 'For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.'

This was the living water that Jesus referred to when speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well John 4:10. 'Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water." The woman was referring to actual water so that she didn't have to keep coming to the well. Jesus offered her a river of living water, which she later spoke about to her villagers. 

Jesus is the provider of living water. This is why He speaks encouraging and life-filled words to us. His words pack power. He is also the light of the world; the light that shines in the darkness, the light that shows us the way. Now, there is a lot of darkness in our world, it is everywhere we go. But, as we walk through our daily lives with Jesus, we light up the way in that darkness. Jesus wants people to see the difference we make.

There is also a lot of pain and sadness wherever we look. People are used and abused and are desperate for someone who can offer them a way out of this pain. In Jesus, we can. We carry words of life. When we walk in step with the Holy Spirit, we take living water to the people we meet - living words. Everyone needs a word of encouragement from time to time, and you and I can provide this.

David said, 'In Your light we see light', and this is the light-giving, living water refreshing fountain that we have to offer whoever will accept it.

Think about it!

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