Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Rest and do not fret

"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret - it only causes harm."       Psalm 37:7-8     NKJV 

God wants His people to be at peace - in complete rest. He doesn't wish for us to be fretful about things but, to be patient. People do appear to get away with their schemes and wicked ways but, is it worth getting all steamed up about it all. If we can do something directly about this, then go ahead. However, if we can't there is no use in fretting about it.

There are a lot of plotters about; they's mostly known as con men. It's hard to spot them mostly, so be wise in all you do. They may rip you off but, they'll never be able to rip God off. Whatever has happened, if you leave it to Him, He will avenge. Because God has promised to take care of us, as we put our trust in Him, we can rest in the Lord. 

Resting in the Lord is a particular kind of rest; it s the rest of silence. We do not have to defend ourselves in retaliation. If we refuse to speak back to someone who has done us a wrong, then God will protect us. Remember how Jesus handled things. Often, He remained quiet - silent. If He did, then we need to do the same. 

We need to watch our anger level; when we surrender to this, we handle things badly. Therefore, cease from anger. When we are angry, we allow ourselves to lose a certain amount of control. We are no longer in the driving seat, the devil is and he loves to drive. In anger, words and behaviours get out of hand. When we calm down, we are left with guilt and regret, even shame. Don't allow yourself to get this way.

Check out the last part of verse 8, 'Do not fret - it only causes harm.' It causes harm to the people that we become angry with or who witness our behaviour; and it can cause us harm. Becoming so angry that we become out of control, can force our blood pressure to boil and may even cause a heart attack or a stroke. It is far better to stay out of harms way and be at rest.

Have you found that place of rest that we are discussing? It's not as difficult as it seems. It is giving our all to Jesus - our cares, concerns, troubles, fears and worries, and allowing ourselves to step into the place of security and peace. Literally, it is heaven on earth and it is achievable. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, 'Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Ask yourself, what part of that is difficult to understand? Jesus offered it and we need to accept it. Why punish your soul - your mind, will and emotions, when you have such a great offer?

Let us enter His rest!

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