Monday, 19 July 2021

The Joy of Your Salvation

"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation"                        Psalm 51:12      NKJV 

I think back to when I was first saved in October 1980. It was sheer bliss. Can you remember when you first came to know Jesus? There is no feeling like it. Nothing else mattered, it was like living in a bubble of joy and excitement. Nothing could come close to this feeling, it was a part of Heaven.

But then, 'Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love'  Revelation 2:4. What has happened? Well, after a time - the honeymoon period - we can tend to take things as they come and allow the busyness of life to take over. All of a sudden we may lose our job and we have bills to pay, or illness may strike. This all takes the wind out of us. Instead of taking the problem to Jesus, we try to work it out ourselves and the pressures really begin to form.

There is nothing like that introductory period with Jesus but, it doesn't have to stop there. He wants it to carry on. He doesn't want you to leave your first love, He wants you to carry on as you started and build upon it. He is Your Rock and Your Foundation, without Him you are nothing John 15:5. He is still the same Jesus that you met in the beginning. He still loves you and He is still exciting.

Nothing that you are going through at this time is a problem to Him. He can find that needle in the haystack, believe me. Nothing is worth leaving Him or putting Him in second place.

Why don't you come back to Him right now and find that excitement and contentment once again. You haven't lost your first love. You know where He is. Come to Him now:

Lord Jesus
I realise that I have left my first love and that wonderful place of excitement and joy. I can't live without You, Jesus. I need You every day, in my life. Therefore, I choose to return to You and give You the first place in my life from today. Please help me to realise that You are with me in the honeymoon periods and the times of pressure. Please forgive me for leaving You out of my life so much. I now ask that You will take my life and use it to Your Glory.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

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