Sunday, 25 July 2021

Wasted words Part 2

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."     
                                                                                                    Proverbs 18:21     NKJV 

There are so many words and phrases that we use on a daily basis, that we need to avoid and use alternatives and warn others, here are a few more that may make you smile but ones that you need to consider:

'I wouldn't like to be in your shoes'. To me, this phrase always carried a threat and when 
heard whilst you were young, petrified you. Another one was, 'You're for the high jump" again meaning, you were in deep trouble, so watch out. 'Your feet won't touch the ground'. These three phrases, I heard regularly when I was growing up and, they are still being used today, in certain areas. 'I'll box your ears.' This was a popular saying in the 50's. Anyone who heard this phrase, knew they were in for a good hiding when they arrived home. 

Then there are the everyday phrases that we are all tempted to say, 'My back's killing me.' 'I feel like death' and 'I nearly died of embarrassment.' If you sit and think about it, there are many more that would come to mind and are equally as bad as each other. You see, it is like a self-fulfilled prophecy that we're speaking over ourselves, 'This car is useless, it never starts when I want it to.' Well, if it doesn't start properly, get the garage to check it out or trade it in for another; don't just curse it, like you are doing. 'I'll never be able to do that job, it's far too difficult.' If you are saying that, then you never will be able to do it because it is too difficult. We need to wise up on what we say.

These are all wasted words - wasted phrases, and we need to re-group; we need to take a deep look at ourselves and ask God to help us to be more aware of what we speak. It is down to us. God doesn't speak for us; we have to stop what we are saying and even thinking; it is all negative. To confess sickness on yourself when the Word of God says that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus is, contradictory. I know several people who say such things as, 'I'm sure I've got the flu coming on.' They go about believing that they have this sickness or 'it's in the family, you know'.  Don't even go there.

Start speaking wholesome words. Start thanking and praising God that you are well, that you are blessed and that your name is written in the Lamb's book. You are a special person, born for a particular reason. God's counting on you, this is why you are here. Don't let anything be wasted any longer.

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