Monday, 26 July 2021

Abounding Grace

"But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more"       Romans 5:20      NKJV

David Guzik comments:

We might have expected that where sin abounded, God’s anger or judgment would have abounded much more. But God’s love is so amazing that grace abounded much more where we might have expected wrath.

ii. If grace super-abounds over sin, then we know that it is impossible to out-sin the grace of God. We can’t sin more than God can forgive, but we can reject His grace and forgiveness.

                                                        Copyright David Guzik  Enduring Word

Many of us find ourselves in positions where, we have let ourselves down and have outwardly sinned. The shame of it all can be overbearing and we feel like God has turned His back on us, even though we have said that we are sorry to Him. You feel like a condemned man or woman and no matter what you do, you just can't shake it off. Wrong, you are listening to a lie of the enemy. he loves to keep us bound in captivity, but, take a look at Romans 8:1 'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.'

God made provision for our sin in Jesus Christ and in 1 John 1:9, it states, 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'
God has given us His grace and it is abounding, sin is abounding too but God's tops the bill, it is outrageous grace. The more we sin and let ourselves and God down, He pours on us more of His abounding grace - as we confess our sin to Him. 

Please realise, grace does not give us a passport to freely sin because we know God will forgive us. Not at all, as it says above, we can't sin more than God can forgive, but we can reject His grace and forgiveness. God knows our hearts; He knows what we're going to say and do before we even begin. If we deliberately plot to commit sin, without any care for the consequences, we can't honestly believe that God will forgive us on a regular basis. If He did, there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross. We will continue to make mistakes, that goes without saying and, God will provide grace. But the one who is an out and out sinner without any care for Jesus at all, is of the evil one; and there is no place in the Kingdom of Heaven for that person.

However, for you who believe in Jesus, please realise fully that there is an abounding amount of grace for you.

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