Tuesday, 7 September 2021

God is into recycling

"So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, 'Gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost."                                                            John 6:12     NKJV 

Following the feeding of the five thousand, there were stacks of food left over, and Jesus told the disciples to gather this up so that it wouldn't be wasted. When they did, there were twelve baskets full, enough for the twelve disciples to have, or to be distributed elsewhere. God does not like waste, He is totally into recycling, and that includes us too.

Just think about rubbish day in your area. Most people have a black bin for the rubbish that is no longer required and a green one for the recycling. In this day and age it is good to know that God keeps up with the trends. Take for instance our own, in-body, rubbish day. He urges us to clear out the trash - the things that we carry about with us but, are no good for our welfare. These things drag us down and block blessings and prayers. The things that have potential in our lives, He wants to recycle. He does this as we hand Him the things that need changing. As we do this, He begins to transform us instead of us, conforming to the crowd. 'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.'  Romans 12:2.

Let us remember though, on rubbish days, the person emptying the bins, brings them back to us, this includes the black bin, and this gives us the realisation that it is not over, there will be more rubbish to clear out, each and every day. The rubbish clearing time won't be over until we are made complete and perfect Philippians 1:6. Until then, be sure to watch out for more rubbish. Don't sit there unprepared because sin will creep up on us when we least expect it, and will try to destroy all that God has done John 10:10a. Also, recognise, that the green bin - the recycling one, is brought back to us to as well. This means that God gives us a continual opportunity to get things right each day, as we transfer things over, being sold out to Him.

If God is into recycling, then we should be too. It is essential to the quality of our Christian walk. So go green!

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