Monday, 6 September 2021

He will stir you up. Final part

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."   
                                                                                             2 Timothy 1:7   NKJV 

In our final part of this small series, let us examine one of he major problems people are faced with when they are stirred up and attempting to pursue their gifting - FEAR. Fear can stop us in our tracks. Take for instance when you are in church and the Lord gives you a word to speak out from the front. Most people hope for the rapture instead of having to go and speak to the church. The thought can be horrifying. Then of course, there are the times when a minister has given a call for prayer and you know you should go forward for this. Your feet feel like they are glued to the floor. This is fear.

Timothy suffered from fear and Paul set out to encourage him by telling him that he had been given a spirit of power, love and a sound mind, not fear. The words, 'sound mind' in the Greek, are known as Sophronismo, which carries the idea of discipline and soberness.  We are encouraged to think well of ourselves, especially from a Christian perspective. There is a need to be courageous, confident and close to Jesus for this to happen. 

You are not alone, Jesus is right beside you. He has given you a calm, self controlled and a well-balanced mind. God is stirring you up but, for you to stir yourself up and be fear-free, you need to think who you are in Jesus. He has faith in you, yes that's right. He wouldn't have called you if He didn't feel you could do what He wants you to do.So, take that on board and encourage yourself in that knowledge. Then accept that the Spirit of God, the dynamite power-packed Spirit of God is dwelling within you. To speak, we have to open our mouths and utter the sound. It is the same thing with your gifts, you have to start carrying it out and the rest will follow.

Whatever your gift is, whether it be, preacher, evangelist or church cleaner, each are of the same importance to God.You may want to study the bible properly, if so, enrol on a course. This is your ministry, at this time and God values it. You may be wanting to do a particular thing but you are not sure that it will be good enough or needed. If God has put something within you, it is important. Stir the feeling up, think good things about yourself and then get on and put it into action. YOU CAN DO THIS!

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