Tuesday, 28 September 2021

What is your weakness?

"He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength."     
                                                                                                               Isaiah 40:29   NKJV 

Unlike our own, God's power is unlimited. He is all powerful and nothing causes Him a problem or catches Him out. He is always ready and alert. The words 'weak' and 'have no might' in our text today, apply to us all. We all have our weaknesses; the things that let us down constantly. The things that we try to walk away from but, follow us around. Look at our text, 'He gives power to the weak'. That is us and it is a promise. This is why we need to know the Word of God throughly, otherwise we miss these gems. We are weak but God gives us the strength to overcome. When we have no might, He gives us the strength that we need.

'Yes but you don't know what I get up to, I keep on doing the things that I know I shouldn't.' Then join the club, we all do. If you can show me someone who is perfect in everything, then I will be very surprised. We can look at people in church and think, 'I wish I was like them, they never fall'. Then, go and live with them for a week and you'll soon see differently. We all have our weaknesses and, we all mess up. That person who you look up to and may put on a pedestal, has struggles too. There is only one who is perfect and His name is Jesus.

As you read this, you may be thinking that there is no hope for you. Well, there is and His name is Jesus. He is our only hope - the only hope that we need. Having lots of money will not bring hope, you can lose that in a day. Living in an idyllic place in the Caribbean may be very nice but, it will not give you hope and what's more, you will still have your weaknesses. There is only hope in Jesus.

Jesus can help you in your weakness. He can give you the strength you need and even though you may be feeling condemned because you have let Him down again, He never points the finger, and what's more, you are not condemned; only the devil does that Romans 8:1. This doesn't mean that we can continue to deliberately sin each day and expect Him to forgive us. However, it does mean that when we do make the same mistakes, as we confess our sin, He is there to forgive us 1 John 1:9. 

This is grace that He gives us. (see 2 Corinthians 12:9)

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