Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Are you kicking against God's direction?

"It's hard for you to kick against the goads"                                         Acts 9:5     NKJV

Saul, before God changed him, was a terrible persecutor of the Christian church. He was responsible for the death of the first Christian martyr - Stephen and went around finding men, woman and children who were of 'The Way.' This was an early term referring to Christianity and promoted by Jesus, who was the way John 14:6. Saul was a bounty hunter and a very ruthless man to come against.
Saul obtained letters from the high priest to take to the synagogue at Damascus in order to root out believers and bring them bound to Jerusalem. While he was on the Damascus Road he encountered Jesus shining as a bright light that blinded Saul, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? Jesus then went on to say, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads,' Two points are raised here. Firstly, when people persecute us, they are also persecuting Jesus. He identifies with us. Anyone who attacks us is attacking Him also, because we are the body of Christ. Don't ever feel that you are on your own; Jesus knows what it feels like too.
Secondly, a goad or prick, was an ox stick with a sharp iron point on the tip. It was used to guide the oxen by pricking them. If the ox rebelled by kicking out, the tip was pushed in deeper until it complied. The more it rebelled, the more it suffered.
Think about this; Jesus guides and directs us. At times there is a need for Jesus to amplify this and we don't like it, in fact, we can rebel. The more we ignore His leading, the more we feel that we are not in step with Him, until we comply. Jesus is not a taskmaster, but He does wish for us to obey His word. We can go no further until we do.
Think about these two points, you are not alone during persecution. Jesus suffers with you and will, help sort it out, if you let Him. Secondly, are you kicking out against what God wants you to do. The more you kick the deeper the prick. It's much better to say yes to Jesus. Saul, who later became Paul, found this out and went on to write the biggest part of the New Testament and brought many to know Jesus. God knows best and wants the best for you.

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