Friday, 29 October 2021

Defence Mechanisms. (1)

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"                                         Psalm 27:1     NKJV 

David here, affirms God as our source of confidence. As a light, He illuminates all of the darkness that is around. God delivers you physically and spiritually in spite of enemies that creep around. There is nothing to fear because you are in God. However, you may be carrying old baggage around that has long needed throwing away. Let's look at a few of these:

When something is thrown at you, you naturally put your hands out to block the item from hitting you. This is an automatic response in order to protect yourself. The mind reacts against against anything you believe to be harmful. Things such as:

A verbal assault. This may be from someone you care about or from another person. The words spoken can pierce your heart like an arrow and may remind you of earlier verbal abuse that you had to suffer. At that time, you may have made a vow that you would never allow anyone to talk to you in such a way, again. Therefore, when you speak with someone who does, that inner vow is activated and you put up that guard, refusing to allow the words to penetrate. When this is happening, you may also let rip with words to match and a battle is started. This could be with family, friends or even a boss at work, who speaks harshly. I know of several service personal who after leaving the services, declared that no one would ever boss them around again. They would accept requests but never orders. This may have caused them problems later in life. There is a balance that needs to be found.
A Negative statement. Some words spoken by parents, guardians or other people may have left scars that are still open. Just being told that you are useless and will never make anything has been said to many young people. Also, when you have done something for someone and they pull it apart as if it is rubbish. You may have said, 'I did my best'. In return, they have have said, 'Well your best isn't good enough.' Where do you go when you are told that your best is not good enough.

The above issues cause a person to react very negatively and they learn to build defence mechanisms. These are ways that help them to cope with what is thrown at them. This may be where you are at this time. Your past is catching up on you and causing you some distress as you try and people are recognising this. Using a defence mechanism means that you are building a wall around yourself and not allowing people to get too close to you. Jesus wants to heal this if you will let Him.

Tomorrow we will look at three more areas that cause reactions and then we look at ways to counteract this.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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