Sunday, 10 October 2021

Power shortage

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
                                                                                                         2 Timothy 1:7    NKJV 

These past few weeks, the country has been undergoing petrol shortages and this has caused panic buying. This type of behaviour is born out of fear. No petrol - no power - not being able to travel anywhere. 
In addition to this, the media has been frightening people with reports of very high energy rises. Power shortages are forecast to force the prices to go sky-high, possibly adding around £400 extra per year. This has obviously caused more fear where people are worried that they will not be able to pay these fees. So if they can't pay, they will have no power. Many people are considering not having any heating at all which again, adds to the fear level where lives could be at risk through hypothermia. All of this causes many of us great concern.

However, as Spirit-filled, Born again Christians we have the Word of God. Take today's text for instance: 'For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." There are key words in this text: 
Fear - We have not been given a spirit of fear (False evidence appearing real -  copyright Bob Gass) He does not want His people to be moved by fear. All the way through the New Testament we hear Jesus asking, 'Why did you fear?' When we fall into fear we succumb to panic and torment and we live in an anxious state of mind.
Power - It is not the power of the world that we need. This is inferior when we compare it with the power that God has for us. The world may be short of power but, Jesus isn't and when we need it, the Holy Spirit will provide it. People may sneer at this but we believe in the Word of God.
Love - Do you really think that God would let us down when we need Him the most. Never! He loves us too much for that to happen. He wants us to trust in His love because He will not let us down.
Sound mind - When we allow our minds to get into fear and panic, we are not thinking straight. There is no need for this because, He has given us a sound mind. We always believe and think the best; we should never doubt.

The world may continue to try to cause panic because of such things, but, take note of what God says, He has not given us a spirit of fear. Own that and live by it each day. 

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard

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