Thursday, 4 November 2021

Darkness v Light

 "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." v5    
                                                                                                       John 1:1-5    NKJV

Jesus is the Light of the world and the unbelieving world - darkness - seeks to eliminate Him and all He stands for. Satan attempts to banish Him from our lives. One only has to consider what is happening in our world today, to realise this. Christianity and prayers are mostly omitted from school lessons and assemblies. Christianity is slowly being blocked and criminalised in some areas. It has become offensive to normal living; people stand the risk of being arrested for preaching about Jesus on the streets and yet, things that are contrary to our faith are considered ok. The world is a sinful place and it will become worse.

John 1:10 says, 'He (Jesus) was in the world, and the world was made through Him and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own and His own did not receive Him.'  Jesus is the Word; He was there at the beginning and there was not a thing created that He wasn't involved in. He is God. And yet, people refuse to believe this. Why? Because the devil has blindfolded their eyes to the truth. Darkness represents the natural sphere of all who hate good. The person who has something to hide, loves the darkness. People are continually hoodwinked about the truth of Jesus Christ. However, the power in Jesus is everlasting, darkness can hate Him and also us; but, it can never defeat Him or stop us as long as we remain in the Light.

If you belong to Jesus, you are of the light and Jesus is your Saviour. This means that you stand out in the darkness around you. You don't belong and this is why you get shot at from time to time. Like two north cells of a magnet repel each other, so do darkness and light. They can never be joined together because they are opposites. This is not a game, it is serious business. People who are in the darkness cannot comprehend the light, this is why they need preachers and evangelists to make this known; and this includes us. You don't need a theology degree or dog collar to tell people about Jesus and help them take off the blindfold so that they can see the light. You just do it!

How many people do you personally know who are walking about in darkness? This may be friends, acquaintances or even your own family. If they don't know Jesus - the Light - then they are in the danger of being lost on the day of judgement, which is closer than we think. Don't you think it is time to bring them into the kingdom?
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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