Sunday, 14 November 2021

Increase or Decrease (2)

"He must increase, but I must decrease"                                   John 3:26-31    NKJV 

There is no need for competition in the kingdom of God. We're not running a business. If John the Baptist had been competitive and running a massive building complex, he may have felt different about what the people were telling him, 'Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified - behold, He is baptising and all are coming to Him.' v26. However, it didn't worry John. He was secure in his relationship with Jesus. In fact, he said,'A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, "I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before Him" 29 He who has the bride is the Bridegroom; but the friend of the Bridegroom, who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice, Therefore, this joy of mine is fulfilled. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease.' 
The size of a church can be a concern to some pastors and congregations. If the church has a lot of members then it must be blessed; however, if there is only a small congregation, concern may be shown by some and the thought conceived that, someone may be doing the job wrong. The thing is, if Jesus is there, this is all that matters, He is the one that must increase, not the church size. Let the people get this right and the church and the believer's life will grow vastly.
We as the bride, belong to Jesus, the Bridegroom. We belong to Him, not Him to us. He is in charge. Gratitude must be high in our lives because we belong to Him and because He chose us. Things may seem important to us but may not be to God; then of course it may be the other way round. We may not see or agree with what Jesus is doing, but we belong to Him and He must increase, He must have the lead, He knows the way.
Notice verse 29, 'He who has the bride is the Bridegroom; but the friend of the Bridegroom, who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice.' This comes down to our relationship with Jesus. We can either be an obedient believer, doing all we can for Jesus the Bridegroom, but never really getting too close; or we can be a friend of the Bridegroom, something Jesus has called us (John 15:14-16) and share in His walk. He has given us permission to have this close, and wonderful relationship with Him. The choice is ours.
One thing though, we must never forget that we are to decrease and Jesus must increase in our lives. He requires the first place, the first choice, the first of everything. When He becomes this, He increases us, not we ourselves. There is a big difference.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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