Saturday, 13 November 2021

Increase or Decrease

"He must increase, but I must decrease"                                        John 3:20    NKJV 

How many times do we search for praise whenever we have done something important, especially if we have preached, led the worship or hosted a bible study? What about when we have given a big cheque to the church or Christian Outreach, or stood at the front of the church and given a Word of prophecy? It seems to be an inbuilt part of us to seek a pat on the back. We may even go looking for it, gently referring to what we have done, to see if anyone mentions our efforts. If we get the praise, we gloat over it. If we don't, then we sulk. This is the way we can be at times.

However, 'Love does not parade itself, it is not puffed up' 1 Corinthians 13:4. We must never allow ourselves to become puffed up. Jesus knows you are good at what you do, this is why He chose you. This is all you need, don't ever try to get a pat on the back. Jesus must increase and we, must decrease. If we allow ourselves, we can become easily offended. Jealousy can be the big thing in churches. We can feel that we are left on the sidelines, especially when someone else appears to take our place. Let's get it in perspective, we do not have a place unless Jesus creates that place for us. Jealousy is not in order. We have a role to play, yes, but so do other people. We should never be in competition with anyone; if we are, we have got it wrong. Jesus must increase and we must decrease. We need to give Jesus His rightful place within our lives. We should not seek attention or try to do better than someone else. Satan tried to do that and look what happened to him. Be careful.

John the Baptist had it right. He refused to be put in Jesus' place and he also refused to take part in any gossip. The people tried telling him that Jesus was baptising people instead of sending them to him. He was not offended because he knew his place, he was secure in that fact and would not be persuaded differently. 

Our life with Jesus is all about serving Him. Each day should be intended to bring glory to His name. I once heard a Romanian pastor speaking in a church. One thing he said has remained with me for many years. He was talking about his prayer life, especially prior to going to bed at night. Each night, he said, I say to Jesus, 'Lord, have I pleased You today?' That is a wonderful prayer, short and to the point and one in which Jesus will answer. Can I encourage you to make this your final prayer of the day? It is a revealing prayer, one in which Jesus has the right to say, 'No, you haven't pleased Me.' But it is a prayer that we will be able to assess how we are standing with the King, each day.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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