Friday, 19 November 2021

What is the 'them' in my life today?

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."  
                                                                                            Deuteronomy 31:6    NKJV

It is so easy to become afraid and discouraged. When you allow yourself to get into this state, you find it difficult to cope or make sense of things. It can lead to despair. Notice the word 'them' in the verse today. 'Do not fear not be afraid of them'. Now ask yourself what is the 'them' in my life? What is it about 'them' that is disabling me and stopping me from getting on with my life?

Your thoughts carry a lot of weight at times. You can think your way into defeat so easily. Your thoughts cause you to worry about things that have not happened but, could if you allow yourself to believe so. Most of these worries never happen anyway, so there has been a lot of nervous energy used and wasted. 

Take a look at today's verse. Does this describe you? Are you strong and of good courage, or are you in fear of 'them'? Haven't you realised yet that when God says something, He means it? He has told you that He is with you and will never leave you. If you believe this, how then, can you worry, be afraid and be discouraged? Your fear contradicts your belief.

Identify the 'them' right now. What is it about them' that is so important that it is causing you unrest, fear, upset and worry? Ask yourself, what can I do about it? Well the best place to start is in God's Word. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us, 'casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.' Then there is Psalm 55:22, 'Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.' These are not empty words; they carry life and as soon as you accept them and put them into action, you will receive the help that you need.

If 'them' is preventing you from living a happy life, it is time to take action. Start thinking thoughts of victory instead of defeat. Do you realise that you can think yourself happy if you try hard enough? And this is the emotion that your friend, Jesus wants from you. He wants you happy and content; He wants you strong and courageous and He wants you victorious in all you do. It is time for you to receive this. It is time for you to deal with the 'them' in your life; it is time for you to live a victorious life. Speak to Jesus about it and cast it over to Him, then enjoy your day. Now that makes sense!
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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