Saturday, 20 November 2021

Why do I think this way?

"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."   
                                                                                                      Philippians 4:8     NLT

In other words, think about good things. Why allow your mind to be contaminated by bad thoughts? To think bad stuff is is a recipe for torment and fear. Read The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis and you will read how the devil uses his demons to wind us up and cause us heartache and aggravation by placing bad thoughts in your mind. Don't allow this. 
Your thoughts have a positive or a negative angle. A bad thought causes worry, anxiety and fear. It seems that from nowhere they appear in your mind and begin their task of causing you anxiety. The thoughts can be so convincing, that you begin to believe them, and this is where the problem begins. You believe the lie.
Are you open to the fact that your enemy, is attacking you by sending these bad thoughts? Think about them for a moment. Would God send you thoughts that pierce your heart, cause you fear and worry and lead to total suspicion and heartache? The answer is a firm no. Therefore, this is the time where you need to say, 'that's enough', I refuse to believe this thought. I am going to take it captive and make it submissive to God, 'We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ' 2 Corinthians 10:5 NLT.
You can tell the difference in a thought from God to a thought from the devil. The thing is, the enemy can blind you to this fact and uses such convincing tactics, that it is difficult to decipher the origin. Stick to the facts - God will not send you anything that causes you fear and anxiety. That's the bottom line.
A negative thought, when born within you, can create havoc in your life, marriage, home and family. If you're going through a bad time in these areas at the moment, check your thoughts and your reactions. Negative thoughts have the power to floor you. Just think for a moment when you see a doctor for test results, straightaway you can examine the doctor's face and believe that it is a bad result. What about when you're driving along and find a police car at the back of you. Straightaway, you can fear the worst, that you were speeding or there is something wrong with the car. Then of course, there is the dentist's. Just a visit there can bring anxious thoughts to your mind such as, 'This is going to be expensive and it will hurt.'
It is time to practice having positive thoughts. Look at the list above in our text, It is possible to train your mind to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Well straightaway, that is Jesus. If you think about Him, it is difficult to think about bad thoughts as well. The New King James Version, directs us to 'meditate on these things'. When a thought comes into your head, analyse it. Is it from God or the enemy? Think it through carefully and don't be tempted to act quickly. Take your time. The real answer is, would Jesus send you a bad thought? Of course He wouldn't. Therefore, get tuned into Him and train your mind. It really is the best way.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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