Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Come, let us adore Him

"O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker. 7 For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice, 8 do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the wilderness.                                                                                 Psalm 95:6-8   NKJV

Many people today, in China, North Korea and other countries, are suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. Many in our world do not know this, but these people are imprisoned, tortured and some executed just because they choose to follow Jesus. They have no freedom to worship as we do. Deep down, I believe that the leaders know how powerful God is and realise that if they allowed people to follow Jesus, they could have a problem on their hands. Therefore, they act the way they do. We have the freedom to accept Jesus; many may want to in China etc, yet they are threatened. We can accept freely and need to be very grateful for this.

The Christmas carol, O come, all Ye faithful, was written and published in 1751 by John Francis Wade and has been very popular ever since. The words from Psalm 95 above, bear a great resemblance to this carol and may have been written around it. Let us look at a piece of this:

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem,
O come and behold Him, born the King of angels, O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord

We are His people, He is our God. He is the shepherd, we are His sheep. Many do not have the opportunity that we do to choose Him as Lord, so please make the most of it and be grateful. Don't harden you heart V8, as is so easy to do, especially when someone gives an altar call in church. At that time, it is like our backsides are fastened to the pew, holding us back. Force yourself forward if you want to accept Him. You will be glad you did when you get to meet Him, believe me. There will be no second chance then. You'll either know Him or you won't when you stand before Him. Make sure you know Him today. O come all you faithful, come and behold Him, Christ the Lord. Worship Him and bow down and say this with me:

Lord Jesus, I come to You, joyful and triumphant; I come to worship You, adore You and ask You to be my Lord and Saviour. Forgive my sins Lord, live in my heart, fill me with Your Spirit. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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