Tuesday, 14 December 2021

There are many resources but only one source

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over"                                                            Psalm 23:5     NKJV

As we walk daily with Jesus, many things come at us in the form of attack. There are distractions, tiredness, sickness, loss of jobs and many worries. People may also persecute us and make things difficult for us because of our faith. It can be difficult but, like David, we must carry on.

David had many enemies around him but, God fed him when he was hungry and anointed him with oil when he needed healing.  Tony Evans comments:

'Like David we must recognise that we have one source. There are many resources - many channels God may use to provide and care for your physical well-being, but you only have one source. And God never runs dry. That's why David's cup overflowed.'
                                                                     The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Notice that he says, 'there are many resources'. This is true, but we must determine what is the right resource and not become de-railed. God is the source and walking, praying and listening to Him will help us find the resource that is right for us. We need to get to the point where we are confident in our relationship with Jesus, we are secure enough in Him to know that He will never let us down. When we are, we can confidently sit and eat a meal in front of our enemies, do a particular job, be secure in the knowledge that if God is for us, what can man do to us Romans 8:31.

When we are walking with God, we can be assured that, whatever we may face; whatever hardship may come our way and whatever people may say about us, God anoints our head with oil and our cup runs over. Notice that this verse doesn't say that He fills our cup to the brim, no, it says that the cup runs over. It flows over the top; it has superabundance. Jesus gives us His all and more. What else can you hope for?

Yes times may be difficult; the risks of Covid, the price of gas and electric forecast to rocket to sky high prices and will we be able to manage? Hey, stop that type of negative thinking; if you belong to Jesus then, your cup runs over. He will take care of all these fears; they are nothing to Him - NOTHING! Jesus is your source, not your job, not your benefits and not what little you have in the bank, but Jesus is our source!

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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