Sunday, 20 March 2022

Disappointments may be blessings in disguise

"You planned evil against me; God planned it for good"    Genesis 50:20    CBS

Disappointments are around every corner at times. We get all excited about something and then find out it has come to nothing. People disappoint us and let us down and it hurts. You may well have been on the end of this at some time or, may be going through this right now. Let me encourage you. 
Disappointments may be blessing in disguise. Look at Joseph in Genesis 37-50. As a 17 year old, he wasn't ready for God's work, he was still quite immature. He started having dreams which were obviously prophetic but, he wasn't very wise in how he shared these with his brothers. They became jealous and began to resent him as he was their father Jacob's, favourite son. So they ended up selling him into slavery informing Jacob that he had more than likely been killed by a wild animal. 
God had to put things into place so the young Joseph ended up working for Potiphar, an officer of the guard in Pharaoh's army. Joseph was well respected and earned great favour in Potiphar's eyes. Sadly, also in Potiphar's wife's eyes too. She tried to seduce him which he refused and finally because of his rebuffs, she accused him of rape and he was thrown into prison.
Joseph spent 13 years in this prison and although it must have been very tedious and frustrating, he worked faithfully and again earned favour resulting in him taking charge. 
One day, the Chief Cup Bearer and the Chief Baker were put into this prison. They both had dreams - a favourable one for the Chief Cup Bearer, who would be released in 3 days, but not so favourable for the Chief Baker, who would be executed in 3 days. Joseph begged the Cup Bearer to make mention of him to Pharaoh so that he may be released from prison himself, however, the Cup Bearer forgot.
This was a total disappointment for Joseph but, it must be said that he had put his trust - for the first time - in man and, man can't be trusted. Don't lose heart at your disappointments, God hasn't forgotten you. He is just causing detours until things are in place, rather like He did for Joseph. When He is ready, if you have not given up, you will fly. However, look how Joseph handled his situation. He could have hated and resented all of these people for hurting him and letting him down, but he didn't. He was an honourable man and God was about to bless him.
Think of the people who have let you down. You may have wanted to use them as target practice, but grudges can lead to hate and ruin your walk with God. God would sooner you hand it over to Him and forgive them. 'Vengeance belongs to Me, I will repay', says the Lord. 

Do you feel that you need to take action here?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                   

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