Monday, 21 March 2022

Lessons from the ant

"Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise."     
                                                                                       Proverbs 6:6   NLT

The ant is small in size but it is industrious and wise in its ability to optimise its time, skill and resources. It doesn't sit around thinking whether it should do this or that. It has plans, it is a self-motivated, self-starter and it knows where it is going. It can lift up to 20 times its body weight and will not stop to achieve this task. Much of our time is wasted because we don't prepare or plan ahead or if we do, we are easily distracted by things around us. The ant will use its own particular skill to achieve its goal. Unlike us, it will not try to do a plumber's job if it is a bus driver. It thinks and plans each and every step.

Ants are used to teamwork and unity; they know that far more can be accomplished by working together than trying to do things on their own. This is a major problem in the human world today, where some people find it difficult to work in a team and prefer to do the job alone, despite of the time factor. Unity can be difficult to find in today's modern church if everyone is trying to do their own thing and find it hard to come under authority.

Ants also set goals and strategically plan their tasks to the letter. They have seasons of rest to avoid burnout so, store up food for these occasions. We can't expect to do this and go there neglecting our rest and home life, without something snapping. This is where the ant may well be on the winning side, it plans; it knows its own limitations and it knows that it can depend on the rest of the team if needed.

The ant knows where it is going and if anything tries to divert or block their path, they will find another way to accomplish their mission. This may mean climbing over the obstacle, moving under it or going round it. It is determined and nothing short of death or injury will stop it. It is diligent and hardworking and, never lazy and will never quit, never! This also is a great lesson for us. Ask yourself, do you know where you're going? If you do know and set out, what happens when you meet an obstacle? Do you find another way to accomplish it, going over it, under it or round it, or do you give up?

If we strive to be diligent and work hard, our lives will be blessed, physically, spiritually and financially. But it takes determination; it takes vision and it takes that attitude that whatever we meet, it will not stop preventing us achieving our goal for Jesus. After all, He never quit on us; He never gave up or turned back because He couldn't find a way through. No, He took it all and fulfilled His mission for all of us. Now that's something to think about!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                   

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