Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Lessons from the mole

"But when the sun came up, it was scorched, and since it had no root, it withered away."    
                                                                                         Matthew 13:6     CSB

The mole is a digger. It creates tunnels deep underground and can cover a 20 metre area in just one day's dig. Quite an area for such a small animal which is larger than a mouse but not as big as a rat. One positive characteristic of the mole is it eats the grubs and insects that would otherwise prevent healthy growth from plants above. It also aerates the soil, providing healthy drainage that helps alleviate flooding or huge puddles on the ground. It is though, a nuisance to the gardener who has healthy lawns in their garden because it creates mounds of soil as it surfaces. One must though, admire this hard working little chap as it goes about its busy schedule of digging all of the day.

It brings to mind the importance of the Christian digging into God's Word in order to reach a new depth into their understanding of scripture. Jesus told us in Matthew 13:21, that we can hear the Word of God and can receive it with joy thinking it is the answer to what we have been seeking. However, if there is no root in our relationship, the Word can be short-lived. This may be because of distress, persecution or distraction; and as soon as this happens to us, immediately the joy and the revelation can be lost as we fall away burdened by whatever has happened to us. In other words, we have no staying power.

To be able to allow the Word of God to reach within in us, we need to dig more deeply improving our root with God. The deeper we go, the deeper our strength in Jesus and the  better our walk with Him. It is a matter of having an openness in our hearts to receive His Word allowing it to permeate our spirit. As the mole aerates the soil providing a healthier class of soil for plant life, we can do the same, improving our spiritual walk by allowing the Holy Spirit to align with our spirit creating a treasure of wisdom, love and sustainability; so that, when things come our way threatening to do us damage, we can stand tall and deal with this with the authority of Jesus.

Remember, the mole digs all the day; it deals with the things that may cause problems, such as grubs and insects; and it provides a ground that is both healthy and productive. This is the hallmark of a well-seasoned warrior of Jesus Christ. When we live in such a way as this, dealing with the grubs and insects and whatever else may come against us, we find that we are a force to be reckoned with, we don't give in and we fight to the bitter end knowing, that we have the victory whatever happens. 

Wouldn't you like to have a deeper and healthier root in your relationship with Jesus? If so, start digging and don't stop.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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