Friday, 8 April 2022

Sexual Immorality has the power to destroy

"But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death."                                                             James 1:14-15   CSB 

Many leading churches today are suffering the pain and humiliation of leaders, who have been caught in adulterous and sexually immoral situations. The media have highlighted it recently and are having a hey day with it all. You see, mostly the media are not all that interested in the Christian world, until there is a form of scandal; they then perform a scoop and the whole church and its work have to suffer the consequences.

David was no different; when he should have been at war with his army, he was at home sunbathing on his roof. From there, he looked down and noticed a young lady - Bathsheba, who raised his temperature. He became so interested in her that he invited her round. Adultery took place, she became pregnant and David had her husband bumped off when they went back to their place of battle. He then married her. He may have been king but he couldn't hide this from God, Adam tried this in the garden remember and that failed. David had to pay the sinful consequences of his sinful behaviour 2 Samuel 11.

Read the short book of Jude and you will see how sexual immorality and false teaching was rife and a threat to the church and, it still is all over the world today. It is not only the sexually immoral person who suffers, but so does the whole church and its work. Mud sticks and the devil loves to plaster it all over the place. Remember, he is a master hood-winker. Look how he had Eve dwell on the forbidden fruit. She looked until she couldn't resist it any longer. This is how it can be for us too. We can be tempted to look at sex-filled films and plays. We can also be tempted to view pornography on the internet - 'Just one look won't hurt', yes it will; it sows a seed within you and from thereon it can be like iron filings to a magnet, it draws a person in deeper.

Adultery is no different. We need to be careful who we are alone with; even if nothing happens rumours and gossip can spread and appear like the truth. Proverbs 6:25 says, 'Don't lust in your heart for her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyelashes.' This is the same for both gender; man and woman, without being paranoid about things, need to practice common sense.

We need to be careful and alert; the devil wants to bring disaster and he will certainly succeed if, you are not in control of yourself.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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