Sunday, 24 April 2022

The peril of leaving God out of your life

"However, the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaven." v22    
                                                                                                Judges 16   NKJV

Samson was a man who had been consecrated - set apart to the Lord before he was even born. He was also a Nazirite, so he would never have his hair cut. In fact, his hair would be a gifting from God because it would give him great strength. This strength would be used to begin to deliver the Israelites from Philistine captivity.

Samson, unfortunately, used his strength in many ways and this began to put him under a spotlight, allowing him the glory and not God. He became full of pride. He was also headstrong and could be rebellious, this being obvious when he met a Philistine girl and fell in love with her. Despite his parent's warning and the fact that God declared that Israel should not inter-marry, he went ahead and did so. The Lord had given Samson a Godly heritage and he had been raised to honour God, but when he met this girl nothing would prevent him from getting wed to her.

The marriage was short-lived and Samson went on to be a great Judge over Israel when he had defeated the Philistines. He reigned as a Judge for 20 years and spent his life living for God and then living for himself. There didn't appear to be any stability in his life and he was easily drawn away. He visited prostitutes and broke many of God's laws and he eventually met up with Delilah, who would be his downfall. The Philistines bribed her with much silver, to find out the secret of his strength. She did and eventually got to the truth that, if his hair was cut off, he would lose his strength. 

From thereon, it was practically over for Samson, his strength was gone, his eyes had been put out and he was a subject of humiliation to the Philistines. However, they had forgotten one things, his hair would grow back and consequently, his strength would return too. It probably would have been so different for Samson if he had lived up to his calling and obeyed God to the letter. Instead, he had become puffed up with pride and selfish. Many times he left God out of his daily life. However, he had a severe lesson to learn - when we leave God out, we fall and Samson really fell hard.Through God's grace, as Samson called on God for help, God made it possible for him to be near the pillars of the building. Samson pushed and the building came down killing them all.  

You may have let God down by leaving Him out of your life. But, repent and your strength will re-appear. When it does, don't ever ignore Him again.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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