Saturday, 23 April 2022

Your own strength cannot save you - More on Gideon

"The LORD said to Gideon, 'You have too many troops for Me to hand the Midianites over to them, or else Israel might elevate themselves over Me and say, "My own strength saved me."                                                                       Judges 7   CSB 

God would not allow Gideon or Israel to take the glory - it belonged to Him and Him only. Winning such a battle with very few men could have triggered off a spirit of pride in Gideon and the men.

God informed Gideon that if his troops were fearful, then they could return home. This led to 22000 of them leaving. With only 10000 men left, God still said there were too many and gave Gideon an exercise to carry out (v4-8). He was to take them down to the water and whoever knelt and lapped the water with his tongue, was unsuitable and must return home. The men who lapped the water with their cupped hands, were the ones God wanted.

Gideon was left with 300 men who were expected to fight against thousands in the Midian camp. It seemed a hopeless situation. Gideon was told to divide his men into three groups, 100 in each, which ordinarily would have been good fieldcraft and strategy. He was to equip them with a trumpet each and a clay pitcher with a torch inside, which he did. If he was afraid of the prospects, he could take his servant, Purah, down to the edge of the camp to listen to what was being said. He did so v14. There he heard a man telling his friend about a dream he had had. A loaf of barley bread had rolled down the hill crashing into a tent and demolishing it. The friend told him that it was the sword of Gideon, God had handed the entire camp over to Gideon. He was greatly encouraged by this and the first thing he did was to bow down and worship the Lord. (Take note)

Gideon took his men into battle, where at the right time, they blew their trumpets, smashing the clay pitchers and shone the torches. They then shouted very loudly, 'A Sword for the LORD and for Gideon v20. The Midianites were thrown into total confusion and began fighting each other as it was dark. Finally the battle was won, God had given Gideon the victory.

Even when you can't understand what is happening and the odds are against you, when God calls you out you must do what He says. When you do, just watch Him work and give you the victory. The thing that you're facing today is in God's hands, if you have given it over to Him. Do what He says, no matter how strange it may feel and receive the victory. But remember to - bow down, thank Him and worship His name.  v15 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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