Thursday, 26 May 2022

Dry Bones

"Dry bones, hear the Word of the God." v4.                  Ezekiei 37:1-14   CSB 

Yesterday we looked at having Fire in your Bones. Today, let us build upon this with this dry bone situation.

To do most things, you need life to make it work Ezekiel had obeyed God's direction and prophesied to the dry bones that they would come together; and they did. However, there was no life within them. God then told him to prophesy that breath would enter the bones and it happened; they came to life and stood there, a vast army v10.

The bones had been brittle, lifeless and rather like an old leather bag that was cracked and dry. When such a bag is treated, it could be made supple again and ready for a new life. Like this bag, we too need this special treatment, this special ingredient which is revival. This is what happened to the dry bones.

Note in verse 11 that the bones were dry and said, 'Our bones are dried up, our hope is perished and we are cut off.' But God said to these bones, 'I will put My Spirit in you and you will live v14'. God used a special formula; at creation, He spoke, 'Let there be light and there was light' Genesis 1:2-3, and here God tells Ezekiel to speak directly to the bones. Elsewhere, we find Jesus speaking directly to situations such as the wind and the waves. In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus tells His disciples the benefits of speaking to the mountain. 

God's remedy is Word and Spirit = Life. As we speak God's Word, the breath of the Holy Spirit changes situations. It is the precursor to Spiritual Revival. But if one of these ingredients are missing, no living experience of His reality will be in our midst. We need to speak the Word of God by speaking to whatever bad situation we encounter and let the breath of His Spirit do the rest. 

Do you feel dry-boned? Cut off with your hopes perished? Have you been baptised in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues? You need this baptism of fire to be able to flow in His power and to perform all He has for you to do. You may have Fire in your Bones, but now, Jesus offers  dynamite too. Why not say this prayer and get ready for Spiritual Revival:

Dear Lord Jesus, please send the power of Your Holy Spirit upon me. Baptise me in Your Spirit Lord, allowing me to have access to speaking in tongues and to Your Spiritual gifts. Lord, I need these to be able to perform my ministry for You, powerfully. Lord, I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.


Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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