Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Fire in your bones

"There is no soundness in my body because of Your indignation, there is no health in my bones because of my sin."                                           Psalm 38:3   CSB 

The results of David's sin and his foolishness caused this feeling of woe. This caused him to be physically, spiritually and emotionally drained. Not all sickness is the result of sin though, and we have to be careful that we don't fall into the trap of being judgemental when dealing with someone who continues to be sick, despite much prayer. Sin will always affect the way we react; we can try to hide it for so long but, rather like white-washing an old cracked wall, it may initially look good but, the cracks will soon re-appear.

David felt drained with the overwhelming feeling of sin; it was dragging him down and, he had no soundness or peace in his mind. Consequently, he continued to dry up spiritually. This is not what God wants for you, He has better things. He knows we are weak and susceptible to sin. This is why 1John 1:9 tells us: 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' This scripture was written to Christians, He knew that we would need to remember this.

David writes that he has no health in his bones. In other words, he had no fire in his bones. Take a look at Jeremiah 20:9: 'I say, "I won't mention Him or speak any longer in His name." But His message becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones; I become tired of holding it in and cannot prevail.' Jeremiah complained to God that people were ridiculing him and making him a laughingstock because he was preaching out aloud in the street. However, he couldn't stop, no matter how hard he tried because, he had 'Fire in his Bones.' Just like us, Jeremiah was human and susceptible to sin, yet God, put fire in his bones. It was so intense that he couldn't stop talking about God.

Come on, are you saying that it could never happen to you? God wants to put fire in your bones too. He wants to make them alive so that, you make a difference wherever you are. It may not be to preach on a street corner, that can come later; but so that you live for Him 100% - sold out for God so much, that whatever God wants, you will reply, I'll do it Lord'. Will you?

Be honest, do you want fire in your bones? If so, the get up, repent and ask Him for this. However, when you do, be prepared, because He will take you up on the offer!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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