Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Taking the right path

"A person's steps are established by the LORD, and he takes pleasure in His way."  
                                                                                                        Psalm 37:23  CSB 

If you've asked Jesus to be your Lord, then He has the right to be your guide in all you do. He won't force you however, but He does have a way of putting things in your way that you simply can't miss.

In guiding us, God uses de-tours to takes us from here to there - wherever He wants us to be. The de-tours are not because He changes His mind, but because, we can be so unpredictable - one day we're going here and doing that and then, the next we've changed our minds or are being stubborn. Isn't this a little like the Israelites in the desert? They only had a short journey to go and yet, it took them 40 years - incredible!

I believe that God is like a Chess Master and plans the way forward. He knows the wrong ways and the right ways, making allowance for our weaknesses. He knows what we will do and if it is not the right decision, He puts into action the de-tour. I remember nearly forty years ago that we were wondering where God wanted us to worship and we were getting nowhere. We went on a short break to North Devon and on the Sunday, as we were walking by the Pavilion bar, we could hear Christian worship. We decided to investigate and discovered a church meeting taking place there. After the service, a chap informed us that a similar church was planned for South Dorset. We returned home and decided that we would look round for this church. At first, no one knew anything about it and then, we met a Christian friend who told us that the church was meeting on a Thursday night in West Dorset. We attended and eventually, the church moved to the planned place in South Dorset. It was rather a long-winded journey but we finally found what we were looking for, and we became founding members of this church.

God will make de-tours and lead us wherever He chooses. It is exciting when this happens. Don't ever lose this excitement, it is the joy of the Lord - His strength, and it keeps us forging a way forward. When you are in step with Jesus, He gives you a 'buzz' that can be found nowhere else. Keep in step with Him and if you trip up, He will pick you back up.

Is God taking you a step nearer to where He wants you to be? Is He showing you what He wants you to do? If you've asked Him to guide you, you can hardly say 'no' can you?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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