Monday 9 May 2022

Here is God

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help" v1      Psalm 121   NKJV

Just take a glance around - you may see hills, countryside, seascapes, wild flowers, wildlife or even, an industrial built up town. Whatever you see and wherever you go, God is all around. Just a walk through woodland or open countryside introduces us to nature itself. We may be able to breathe in the fresh air, lay in the fresh grass or feels the crunch of a winter's footstep through the fields. God is everywhere, whether it be in a busy industrialised city or along the beautiful coasts. He is the God of creation; He is our creator and helper.

As we read this Psalm, we see God as our protector. He picks us up when we fall, especially stumbling on a rocky beach where we may twist an ankle or even break it. He walks beside us and if we do fall, picks us up and restores us. He's even there on sleepless nights. When we have nights such as these, it's almost as if he says, 'All is ok, I'm here just relax and get your rest. I'm watching over you.' 

He is our keeper. We are not immune to being hurt or suffering emotional pain. However, He provides us with the ability to be able to cope with it all and not suffering harm. He helps us turn these bad experiences into victory. He is right beside us - the shade at our righthand v5. A keeper is an attendant, guard or warden. The keeper has charge over things and, he will do his utmost to ensure things go well. The Lord is our keeper (v5). Will He not do the same for you?

The Lord preserves us; He keeps us in perfect condition - as we walk with Him and, it is important to note the, 'as we walk with Him'. In Isaiah 26:3 we read:

'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You'

Therefore, He will preserve as we serve and He will deliver though we may quiver. In fact, He is all we need. He offers us everything!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...