Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Hedge of Protection

"Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings you shall take refuge."    
                                                                                           Psalm 91:3-4  NKJV 

Picture a bird on a nest of newly born chicks. They're helpless and hungry and depend on their parents to feed them, protect them and give them warmth. Occasionally, they will stick their head out from underneath mum to check out their new environment. As they grow, mum leaves them to help dad bring in the food. This is a dangerous time! While parents are way from the nest, predators have the opportunity to attack and kill them. It's all part of the nature world, I'm afraid. After a time, the one's who have survived leave the nest (fledge), it is time to begin their new lives. Comfort zones have to come to an end and they have to learn to look after themselves from now on.

The human world has similarities as we begin to find our way in life. There is slight a difference here though, God is always on the nest (throne), and we can return to Him - our comfort zone - whenever we need to, and this can be very frequent. God never becomes tired of our calling on Him. He loves us and has ordained that we can call on Him any time of day or night. Obviously, we have grown spiritually, so we need to stand on our own two feet wherever possible, but remembering that, God is only a prayer away, His door is always open and He's always willing to listen. The Lord has placed a hedge of protection around us. The devil will try and chip away at it but, he can't get through, unless we let him in.

God will deliver us from the traps the devil sets but, the problem is if we become involved with the sins of the world, this hedge of protection will begin to fall apart and little by little, the enemy will gain access leading us astray.

There are trials and attacks. The attacks are the ongoing ones that drain us and bring upset and pain. They pile upon each other, intent on bringing us down. If this is happening to you, check the break in the hedge and repair it with prayer and repentance. Then receive, once again, God's wonderful embrace.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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