Tuesday, 21 June 2022

There's a breakthrough coming!

"Now when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king of Israel, all the Philistines went up to search for David. And David heard of it and went down to the stronghold." v17                                                       2 Samuel 5:17-25  NKJV 

David was anointed King of Israel but, this was not to the Philistine's liking; so they decided to go and search for him. There is an important point to remember here; you can never please everyone, someone will always be dissatisfied; so make up your mind to please God and Him only.

David went to his stronghold. What was this? It is quite likely that it was the familiar mountain stronghold in the desert of Judah. This was where David had defended himself against Saul (2 Samuel 23:14). However, the stronghold may have been the Lord Himself. David knew that God was his stronghold and shepherd and that he could be depended on. Whatever it was, it was the place where David inquired of the Lord, asking Him what to do. The Lord told him, 'Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand.' And he did - God gave him a breakthrough so, David called that place Baal Perazim - Master of Breakthroughs.

The Philistines attacked once again and true to form, David inquired of the Lord v23. But this time, God gave him a different strategy. They were to circle around them in front of the Mulberry trees and when they heard the sound of marching from the top of the trees, they were to attack. They did and the victory was theirs.

We should always inquire of the Lord. It is foolishness to go into something blind. Pray, seek the Lord because he knows the way. God is a victorious God and He wants to give you the victory. He will give you commands that may sound very strange but, obey Him. He caused an army to become confused here by noises in the tree tops. As they listened, bewildered, David attacked and won. 

David had a breakthrough and there is a breakthrough coming to you today. Get to know God better, spend time with Him, inquire of Him and listen and obey. In fact, go into your stronghold - the place you use exclusively for God. If you want this breakthrough, it will only come through your obedience. So put it into action!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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