Monday, 20 June 2022

Is Jesus on the throne of your life?

"Yet I have set My King on My Holy hill of Zion" v6               Psalm 2   NKJV 

David was asking rhetorical questions when he penned this Psalm and, would have been astonished at what God said to him.

God's anger was burning, after all He had done for His people they still rebelled against Him. He provided for them, guided them, kept them alive and then, sent a Saviour - Jesus Christ, to bring forgiveness and eternal life. However, they didn't want Jesus the Messiah - the Anointed One, they wanted a king who would fight their battles for them and sit on an earthly throne.

It's the same today, many people clam up at the name of Jesus. Mentioning His name is a real conversation stopper and they can't wait to get away from you because, you are an embarrassment. But really, it is not embarrassment at all; it is conviction whether they realise it or not. They come under conviction as we begin to speak about Jesus and they will go to great lengths to prevent you continuing the conversation. People have lost their jobs, their homes and even their lives for speaking about Jesus. It is still happening in the world today in certain countries. (Check the internet). But whether it is accepted or not, Jesus is still on the Throne; His Father placed Him there. 

The thing is, is He on the throne of your life? Is He your Saviour, your friend and your shepherd? He will be returning to this world one day - it may even be today, no one knows except the Father. If you know Him, He will gather you up to Himself and you will be safe. To those who don't know Him, will come terrible judgements and death. He has given us all adequate warning of this - read the book.

Some may laugh at the person standing on the street preaching about Jesus; he may even be arrested or moved on by the police for doing so. However, that person is giving out Words of Life to those who will listen - a chance to have Jesus on the throne of their lives. These are not empty words, they carry life. Please ensure you are on Jesus' Holy hill (v6) when He returns, otherwise you will be left behind.

'Lord Jesus, I surrender to You. Please come into my life, live in my heart and forgive my sins. I am sorry Lord. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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