Monday, 11 July 2022

Don't lose hope

"Why my soul, are you dejected? Why are you in so much turmoil? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God."              Psalm 42:5   CSB 

Here, the Psalmist is speaking life to himself, we need to do more of this. Obviously, he had been through a difficult time but, instead of getting all agitated and anxious with it all, he began exploring his soul - mind, will and emotions. 'Why am I so dejected? Why am I in such turmoil? He carries on in this manner and then, remembers to put his hope in God; he knows that he can still praise Him and, as he does, the prospect of depression begins to lift.

The best thing to do in times like this, is to remember the good times - the times when God turned up and changed things for the better. Cultivate an atmosphere of hope - not 'hopefully' but 'hope-fully' in the Lord, fully trust in Him. To do this, is to wait expectantly for God to act. Sometimes it feels like God has taken some time off but, He's there; just because you can't see Him doesn't mean He's unavailable due to another crisis elsewhere. Not at all, He is there in the background working on your behalf.

When depression begins to take up residence, it's easy to think how things used to be, 'I was a somebody, now look at me.' The Psalmist felt this way too; look at verse 4:

'I remember this as I pour out my heart, how I walked with many leading the festive procession to the house of God, with joyful and thankful shouts.'  Psalm 42:4  CSB

The Psalmist rejected this type of thinking and so should you too. You may have been a 'somebody', but now things have changed - but God hasn't; He never changes (Hebrews 13:8). God can turn you into a greater somebody than the somebody that you were, if He chooses to. But it is not about prestige though, it's about Jesus, He is the one that can restore you.

From the belly of the whale Jonah cried out: 'As my life was fading away, I remembered the LORD, and my prayer came to You' Jonah 2:7. Jonah remembered the Lord from his memory bank of Godly happenings and, his hope returned and therefore, God restored him.

Don't lose hope, God is with you; He hasn't left. Remember those good times and Put your hope in God - my Saviour and my God.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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