Tuesday, 12 July 2022

You have been rescued

He redeems your life from the pit"                         Psalm 103:4   CSB 

Many people have been rescued from certain death in one way or another. I can testify to this, being swept out to sea during Storm Brian and pulled out by 'someone', as I was washed back on a high wave. It was a certain near-death experience. Maybe you have had something similar. I have no doubt that God's hand was on my rescue, whether person or angel, dragged me out of the icy water that day.

Can you remember a time when God intervened  and brought you through to safety? He redeemed your life from the pit, or should we say destruction. What Satan had planned carefully, God hit the override button and foiled his attempts, and God will continue to look after you this way because, you are His child. 

This is why, like King David here, we need to bless the Lord with all we have. As we've mentioned before, our soul is made up of our mind, will and emotions. These should be surrendered to Him and in sync with the Holy Spirit:

MIND   What we think about is a major area for assessment. Our mind generates thoughts that can promote our walk with Jesus or destroy it. When unwholesome thoughts come into mind, if we dwell on them too long, they begin to want more. Remember Eve with the fruit in  Genesis 3? The more she looked at the fruit, the more tempted she became. Our mind determines what action we will take.
WILL   When we are tuned into the Holy Spirit, we can find it easier to deal with thoughts that are unwholesome. When we are not, our will begins to wobble and before too long, if we're not careful, we can fall. Our will has the power to decide 'Yes' or 'No', we either call on God or fall to the temptation.
EMOTIONS   We can easily be manipulated by 'sweet sounding' words. The, 'it'll be all right, no one will mind', can ruin your life. Our emotions need to be governed by the Holy Spirit and that will only happen when we surrender to Him.

Ensure that your soul - mind, will and emotions, are well and truly in step with God and then bless Him.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...