Sunday, 24 July 2022

The Unexpected

"Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring - what your life will be."  James 4:14   CSB 

The unexpected can hit us when we are totally unaware of it. It may be in the form of good news or bad. Therefore, we need to make the best of what we have got, and appreciation is the key!
It is so easy to take things for granted, expecting things to take place without even thinking about it. Married couples can be prone to do this. Maybe, they have been together so long the things are just expected to happen when they happen. The shock comes when they don't, because the one we were expecting to do a particular thing has been taken, or left home. 

Appreciation needs to rule high in a person's life. We need to consider: 'Have I taken things for granted?' 'Do I expect my spouse or significant other, to do this without me having to ask?' Do I appreciate what I have got - what God has given me or, do I take it all for granted?'

In our relationship with God, it is so easy to get into a situation where we expect God to do things for us, just because He told us: 'If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it' John 14:14. Don't get me wrong, God wants us to live expectantly but, this doesn't mean that it is all taken for granted. When we ask, we need to expect Him to do things with appreciation and thanksgiving in our hearts. We read in Philippians 4:6:

'Don't worry about anything but, in everything, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.'

Paul tacked on to this verse, possibly the most important part 'Thanksgiving'. Actually, 'thanksgiving' is a key part of praise and worship. We are so grateful for what He has done, and will do for us, that we can't stop the appreciation.

Don't forget, the unexpected can visit at anytime. This may be in a positive or negative manner. Just be appreciative for what you have, for what God has done and what He will do in the future

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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