Friday, 12 August 2022

Do people see Jesus in you?

"Therefore I urge you, imitate me." v16                     1 Corinthians 4:15-16   NKJV 

It would be so easy to look at this verse, especially as a new Christian and, be offended by it. Paul is urging us to imitate him; surely we should be imitating Jesus not a man? Is this what Paul meant? Let's look at this more closely.

Warren W Wiersbe in his Study Bible notes writes:

'Paul was an example to the family. Children have a way of imitating their parents, either for good or for ill. The word 'imitate' is from the Greek word which gives us our word for 'mimic'. Paul gave the same admonition in Philippians 3:17, but we must not think that he was exalting himself. Little children learn first by example then by explanation.'  Wiersbe Study Bible

In addition to this, John Hargreaves in his excellent commentary - A Guide to 1 Corinthians, writes:
'The important word in v16 is 'me' i.e. 'follow me rather than the guides I referred to, v15 -  'For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel,'  

David Guzik explains, 'Paul was explaining how he had become like a father to the people in Christ - a spiritual father. In this verse, Paul urges his spiritual children to follow his spiritual example. Nowhere did Paul attempt to puff himself up. He had a unique place of authority and leadership among the Corinthian Christians, not only because he fathered the church but, also because of his apostolic authority, 'I have begotten you through the gospel' v15.

If we were to view Paul, we would see that he had very little to offer in the materialistic area of life; he was poorly clothed, homeless, beaten and often classed as a fool. However, he lived his whole life for Jesus; he was totally sold out for Jesus and if people viewed his qualities, they would see Jesus in him. This is why he said, 'imitate me'.

As the people looked closely at Paul, they would see his commitment, they would see his authority and they would see Jesus in him. Can the same be said about you? Can people actually see Jesus in how you live and handle yourself? Could you dare to say, 'imitate me' as Paul did?

Now, that is something to ponder.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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