Sunday, 28 August 2022

Don't try to hide away from from God

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden."                                                                            Genesis 3:8-13   CSB 

This scripture demonstrates the great patience that God has for each of us. He knew that Adam and Eve were hiding from Him; He also knew what they had done, yet the first thing He says is, 'Where are you?'

God knew what they had done; He knew their guilt and He wanted them to be honest with Him, to confess that they had done wrong and repent. But they hid from Him. As Christians, we can do the same when we have sinned; we can ignore gong to church or associating with a fellow brother or sister. We can feel that if we hide away, it will go away. But it won't, unless we repent.
We have to face God, we can't get away with things because, the conviction is too great. Adam finally realised this and told God they had hidden away because of their nakedness. They were ashamed. God challenged Adam, asking him if he had eaten from the tree. He wanted Adam to confess. However, instead of repenting and receiving God's forgiveness, they both played the blame game, blaming each other and even God.

David Guzik writes:
'God knew the answer to His question. He asked it because He allowed Adam to make the best of a bad situation by repenting right then and there; but Adam didn't come clean and repent before God.'   Enduring Word - David Guzik
Charles Spurgeon wrote:
We can see how completely death was brought into Adam's moral nature, for if it had not been so, he would have said, "My God, I have sinned, will You forgive me?"
                           The Charles Spurgeon Study Bible

That day in the garden, Adam and Eve had the opportunity to repent, asking God to forgive them, and He would have. He would have forgiven them because He couldn't demonstrate any other than His love and compassion. No doubt He would have brought about another route to deal with sin.

God's love knows no end. You may have let Him down - big time. But, if you have, don't hide away, confess it and receive His forgiveness. He knows about it anyway. Just say that you're sorry.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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