"God, how precious Your thoughts are to me, how vast their sum is."
Psalm 139:17 CSB
Many times we see ourselves as unworthy people, so why would God want to communicate with us? Why does He think of us so much? To know the answer to these questions, we have to fully realise how much He actually cares for us. We must see ourselves as the Lord sees us - as His children who He dearly longs to communicate with.
Charles F Stanley writes:
'If we have a pauper like image of ourselves, wondering why the God who created the heavens and the earth would engage in meaningful conversation with insignificant us, then communication shuts down.' Charles F Stanley Life Principles Bible
It all comes down to relationship. If you know Jesus, then He wants a relationship with you; He wants to communicate with you but, if you don't communicate with Him then it all breaks down because it is one-sided. Here, King David praises God for His precious thoughts and there are many, we could never count them. Think about that for a moment; God has endless thoughts about you each day. In fact, He can't stop thinking about you.
How often do you think about Him? As we accept that He thinks about us so much, we are beginning to think about Him also and this leads to praise and gratitude. Ask yourself, when things go drastically wrong, who do you turn to? If it's God, then He is on your mind.
There's a lot of insecure people in our world today; are you one of them? It's not unusual to think this way, we all feel like this sometimes. However, we need to avoid the 'Grasshopper image' Numbers 13:33. The recce party who went to search out Canaan returned saying that the people were like giants, 'we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight.' Note this, As they viewed the giants, fear came upon them and they had a low self-image, in fact, they had a 'Grasshopper. mentality'.
People will view you as you view yourself. God doesn't want this of you. See yourself as God sees you. To do this, build up your relationship with Him; have a 'Jesus mentality', about yourself and allow nothing to stand in your way.
Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.
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