Thursday, 4 August 2022

The Command to Rebuild the Temple

 "Think carefully about your ways'                                   Haggai 1   CSB

'It does not matter whom we please if God is not pleased, or who gets honour from what we give, if God is not glorified as a result.'     Charles H Spurgeon

The Jewish people had been freed from their captivity in Babylon and issued a decree in 538 BC, that the people could return to their own land. The walls of Jerusalem had been smashed down and the temple demolished yet, it was 18years before anything was done about it. The Word of the Lord came to Haggai; he drove it home to them that they were in error. The time had come for the temple to be rebuilt but, they were more interested in building their own homes, living in luxury whilst the temple remained desolate.
God gave Haggai some very strong words - one's which we also need to take on board: Think carefully about your ways. The people felt the time wasn't right to rebuild the temple. It could wait; they had their own homes and life to attend to first.

There is always a danger in putting ourselves first, leaving God out until a more appropriate time. We can have excuses that seem so convincing such as, 'I can't afford to tithe at the moment. I have my family to look after first.' Surely, we need to remember that as we put God first, He will take care of the rest.
The Jewish people must have realised that it was God who had brought about their release and He who had heard their cries for help and yet, they gave Him the second place in their lives.

Notice in verses 10-11, God withdrew certain blessing from them because of their selfishness. They needed to learn that, 'He' must come first in their lives. And it is the same for us. God expects us to give  to Him - our lives, our wealth or lack of it, our family, in fact, all we have. In return, He promises to bless us (Matthew 6:33).

Do you tithe? Do you give the first tenth of your income to God and His work? Some say, 'I can't afford to tithe,' but actually, you can't afford not to. Is God stretching you at the moment with things breaking down and extra bills landing on your mat? Could it be that He is trying to get your attention? Why not give a gift to someone that God directs you to and then:
Think carefully about your ways.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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