Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Rekindle your gifting

"Therefore, I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands."                                                                        2 Timothy 1:6   CSB 

Sturgeon wrote:
'Every living saint has his charge to keep, his talent over which he is a steward. A measure of gift is in all of us, needing to be stirred up'.        Charles Haddon Spurgeon

We all have a talent or gift that God has given us. Some may not realise what the gift is yet. Others may know, but hold back through fear or lack of opportunity. The gift God has given us, is for the Body, it is exceptionally important to the growth of where God has placed us. Therefore, we should endeavour to stir up this gift, being confident that God has placed this within us and open to the fact, that at the right moment God will bring it to birth.

However, we need to be aware that others may share in this gifting God has given us. There isn't just one preacher in a church as there isn't just one musician. We are a team. We must realise though that, a carpenter is not called to be an electrician, or a plumber a painter and decorator. The skills may be transferrable but it is the norm for each person to concentrate on their own trade. It's the same within the Body of Christ - all are not called to preach or play in a worship band; but individuals may try to do this and the result is never really helpful.

Know what your gifts are and then, dedicate your life to them. Don't try to run before you can walk. It takes time and for some gifts - training in order to fulfil the gift properly. Overall, the most important factor is to ensure that Jesus is your foundation. You need a solid base and it can only be found in the 'Rock' Himself - Jesus.

Don't be a 'corner-cutter.' These types of people, set off too early before they have even heard God properly. Don't cut corners. Spend your time with your Teacher and allow Him to guide you until you have been stirred up or, as the New Living Translation puts it, 'Fanned into flame'.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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