Tuesday, 2 August 2022

What is it that winds you up? - Final part

"A patient person shows great understanding, but a quick-tempered one promotes foolishness"                                                           Proverbs 14:29   CSB 

Here is the final stumbling block:

Having to wait in a queue can be a frustrating experience, especially if you have a heavy work load. Again, it comes down to the type of person you are; TYPE A - live life in the fast lane or, TYPE B - have a laid back approach to life. This affects the attitude you take in a particular situation. Let's look at a few:
Traffic lights, whether permanent or temporary can be a pain to negotiate; at peak time they can be manic but during the rest of the day, they can be frustrating to deal with as well. Occasionally, we have normal traffic lights followed by, temporary ones and the queues can mount up with angry motorists edging forward trying to get through the mayhem. Also, let's not forget the intelligent traffic lights, these are the ones that assess the volume of traffic and change accordingly. Often we may be tempted to think that a rabbit is more intelligent that these contraptions. Frustrations mount.
Supermarket Queues. With these, we stand there for ages waiting to reach the checkout only to find, that when it's our turn, the checkout closes and we are directed to another till. All the people who were behind us, now rush forward and we have to queue again. Blood boils.
People who amble along. These people appear to have all the time in the world and walk along the whole of the pavement making it difficult for anyone to get by. They may have no time restraints but when, like us who do, it can be frustrating. All of this and more is forced upon the TYPE A person, while the TYPE B one, has only just decided to start their car. 

In all honesty though, how do you present  yourself here? Do you take it all in your stride (TYPE B) or have you visited Stress City (TYPE A)? The latter of of our text today reads, 'but a quick-tempered one promotes foolishness.' Think a moment, when we are huffing and puffing, thumping the steering wheel in frustration, glaring and grumbling about the checkout queues and wanting to run your trolley into the person in front, God is watching you and, so may be someone from the church. Importantly, we may be grumbling to someone that we may later meet at a church function.

Is it worth the high blood pressure or the shame you may cause? Why not work on being more like a TYPE B person.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                



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