Tuesday, 9 August 2022

This is how you benefit

"He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."            Psalm 1:3   CSB

A tree firmly planted in rich ground will usually prosper, especially when it is continually refreshed and watered by being planted next to water. The tree will be fruitful, producing its fruit in the right season of the year. Notice it has to be in the right season. This is rather like us, we have seasons of success in our work and ministry - we have good and not so good times, but as long as we remain rooted into good ground - Jesus, we will succeed.

We will have times when we begin to wither, rather like leaves which do not receive enough moisture. We must always ensure that we continue to delight and meditate on the Lord, thus being refreshed by the Holy Spirit. We will then begin to prosper in all we do - notice that the text above says, 'Whatever he does.' not, 'Most of the things he does.' This is important. 

When we speak of being 'rooted' it is linked to meditation that we discussed yesterday. To reinforce this, meditation means to think deeply and continuously about something - to ponder; in this case, about Jesus. This may mean memorising scriptures or words God gives us. We ponder them and place them into our memory bank. We then allow them to take root within our spirit until they are part of us. As we own them in this way, they become a life-force that operates inside of us as the power and authority of God takes control of every situation. When we live in such a way, there is no stopping us.

We begin to have true fellowship with Jesus just as the early disciples did after His ascension Acts 2:42-43. The word 'fellowship' in v42 in the Greek is Koinonia. In this, the individual shares in common an intimate bond of fellowship with other Christians. Koinonia cements the believers to the Lord Jesus and to each other. 

When we live in such a way, we will prosper in all we do and we will receive the benefits God wants to pour upon us.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                



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